I am a whale. A completely normal baby blue whale.And I am here to tell my story.
Well, our kind is known to be the biggest mamal on the earth. No matter how big we are in size, we are not living happily. Once upon a time, there were many whales in the ocean. Not now. I see my friends getting killed every day. I don’t know when it’s my turn. My mother died last month, she ate some wierd-algae-like-things( I heard it is called plastic), thinking of food and died. I am lonely now. I heard that another blue whale which lived far.. far away from here, was hunted by humans.

One day, when I was very small, I saw a little sea turtle eating a piece of plastic. A week after it was dies. Why this plastic is coming to oceans and killing us? Is plastic is a monster? I’ve seen humans dumping it into the ocean. These days, all the marine animals are dying. My mother always use to tell me ”Never swim near the humans” and when I didn’t obyed her, she use to scare me by telling that she’ll call the humans. One day my mother told me the story how humans kill thousands of Pilot whales in the name of food. Luckily I don’t live there, nor I am a pilot whale.

You know, I’ve seen 2 types of humans. One who dumps their plastic-thing in the ocean and another kind who cleans the ocean and beaches, who stops overfinishing. Oh, when I said overfishing, I remebered something else. One day, I was swimming and jumping around. And I saw a huge ship full of humans catching tonns of fishes. After they went, the ocean was very empty.
We, Blue whales likes Phytoplanktons. It is one of our food. But because of Raising temparature, our food source is decreasing. Of course, we eat krills too. But we cannot live only eating krills. If we do, the krill population will drop.I don’t want all these. We are not only big in size, but we also play an important role in ocean ecosystem. If we don’t eat krills, then they will over populate, because of our dung, phytoplanktons get nutrients. If we go extint, then who will give nutrients to phytoplanktons?
If you are a human reading this, then please stop polluting our place. Please be a bit sensible. Have we polluted your lands? No. Then why are you doing this? Dont burn earth for your greed.
Hoping for a clean ocean,
Blu Whale.

Hey Guys,
This is the first post in the Climate Diaries series. The blue whale which is the biggest mamal in the world is now considered as endangered. Our oceans are full of trash. This is a short writing from the perspective baby blue whale. Hope you all liked it and I hope it will create awareness about water pollution and climate change. Drop your thoughts and opinions on this post and water pollution in the comment box!
Hoping for a better future,

This made me feel so sad, but that's because it's true. Can I help promote this post on my Pinterest account? I think I might be able to get others to read it and help spread the word even if just a little bit.
ReplyDeleteThanks Izzie, yes you can. Also, thnaks for that!
DeleteOf course! I'll publish the Pinterest post whenever I get a chance, probably either later today or tomorrow!